Three Cheers for Ireland!
Finally a good news story. The European Commission yesterday urged all members of the Union to follow Ireland's example and remove restrictions on the movement of workers from Eastern Europe. That's gas isn't it? Our little corrupt, gombeen state leading the way on such an important issue?
FG and Labour have done irreparable damage to their electoral chances on this issue, and this crank believes that we could be witnessing a Road to Damascus moment. However incompetent the present incumbents are, they are a great deal better than the alternative - and I state this as Mayoman with no party affiliations WHATSOEVER, who would benefit greatly in having two fellow county men in the hot seats. The country on the other hand...
I rarely get to say this, but..........I'm with McDowell on this one, who said that the Commission Report showed that the Labour Party's reference to the introduction of work permits was "politically wrong and economically purposeless". Amen
From todays Irish Times (How do you make the copyright symbol?)
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